Is Monday the best day to get started? What about next month? When the kids go back to school? By November, the No. 1 excuse I hear is that it is better to start after the holidays, which are still six to eight weeks away.

People who are not exercising often feel like their situation is unique and that they are the only ones with a crazy life. Non-exercisers must think that people that exercise work part-time, have no kids at home and live a life of leisure.

My experience is that the reality is actually the opposite. Many of the busiest, most successful people I know exercise and take care of their health. I firmly believe in the old adage: “If you want something done give it to a busy person.”

Busy people know how to prioritize, work around a schedule and when to say no. We know that we feel better and are more productive when we are taking care of our health. We know we will be better parents and spouses if we are taking care of our health. Most exercisers are self-motivated and some hire a personal trainer to help keep them on track.

“No one can motivate you to truly make change,” says Colin McAuslan, a lead personal trainer and kinesiologist at Refine Fitness Studio.

Non-exercisers need some internal motivation to get started on an exercise program. If not, they will inevitably fall back to their old habits.

If you are not currently exercising you need to firmly decide why it is critical that you start taking care of your health today, not tomorrow or next week.

Are you sick and tired or embarrassed about how you look? Do you hate not having energy at the end of the day?

Are you worried about not seeing your kids get married or not being able to have your independence when you get older?

Once you have had enough, decide nothing is going to stop you from getting fit. When things get in your way don’t make excuses. Find ways to work around the obstacles. Everyone falls off the exercise wagon once in awhile. That’s OK.

A personal trainer can help you come up with an action plan that will set you up for success. If you are looking for suggestions you can email me and I will put you in touch with a reputable trainer in your neighbourhood.

Stop waiting for the perfect day. It will never come