We know that exercise can improve just about every aspect of your health. The benefits range from bone health to libido and cardiovascular health to brain functioning. New research out
Every once and awhile I talk to someone in my studio who says, “I don’t really need to exercise. I am happy with my weight.” Weight loss is only one
The glutes are one of the most importance muscle groups in our body. This is not because most people want to have one that looks good. Don’t get me wrong,
As our population ages various health conditions will gain prominence. There is no health condition more prominent in people over 60 than arthritis. While it is true arthritis can affect
Most personal trainers can narrow down the main characteristic of their most successful clients. This information is then used to motivate others to see similar results. What it takes to
A common question I ask anyone at their first meeting in my studio is: “When was the last time you were doing some form of structured exercise for at least
The majority of the causes of pre-mature death have a major connection to exercise. In case you haven’t heard, regular exercise can help prevent everything from cardiovascular disease, cancer and
Every year the American College of Sports Medicine publishes a list of top trends in the fitness industry. This list is one of the more comprehensive lists out there. This
For the longest time I had this impression of what yoga was and was not. About five years ago, I took my first class and it wasn’t at all what
When clients say they want to trim inches, lose weight or tone their muscles, they are essentially saying they want to decrease body fat. There are numerous methods available to