[youtube http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aOzsusFfF8k]

Try this unique interval training protocol that incorporates a variety of full body movements designed to help lose weight and strengthen your entire body.

20 Seconds Jumping Jacks
Kettlebell Deadlift
20 Seconds Jumping Jacks
KB Swing
20 Seconds Jumping Jacks
Squat + Barbell Shoulder Press
20 Seconds Jumping Jacks
Pushups Max (using an incline or knees)
20 Seconds Jumping Jacks
Bent Over Barbell Row
20 Seconds Jumping Jacks
Dips (on a bench or using the yellow Lebert bars)
20 Seconds Jumping Jacks
Plank Max
20 Seconds Jumping Jacks

Give it a try. Attempt to push through the whole workout as quickly as possible. If you have more time, try a second set. Let me know how it goes at colinm@refinefitness.ca

Until next time!
Trainer Colin McAuslan