Love it or hate it we all need muscle. Even those that don’t think they need more, normally do. Muscle plays a critical role in hundreds of bodily functions. And most people agree, it looks pretty good in the right amounts.

Here are a just a few reasons why you should want more muscle on your body:

– It makes you stronger. Whether your goal is to lift a heavier weight, do more push ups, lift kids, pick up groceries or get out of bed with ease, muscle will make all of these activities easier.

– Burn more calories. On average, one extra pound of muscle will burn an extra 50 calories per day. Even better, add five pounds of muscle on to your body and burn an extra 250 calories per day.

– Strength training burns more calories when you are finished exercising. Research tells us that immediately after you are done strength training session you will burn 20-30 per cent more calories compared to regular cardiovascular exercise. So in addition to burning calories while you are doing strength training, you will also burn more calories upon the completion of that workout. This has do to with the fact that it takes longer to recover from a strength training workout than it does most forms of cardiovascular exercise.

– It looks great. The right amount of muscle gives people the tone and shape they want. I don’t think I have ever met someone that did not want to “get more toned.” Most people are not even sure what this means but it stands for “more muscle, please.”

– Prevent injuries. Stronger muscles, ligaments and tendons mean less injuries, whether you are an athlete on the field or an older adult worried about falling, muscle will protect your body

– Improved self confidence. If you look better and are able to do things you did not think were possible (like completing 10 or 15 pushups), you will naturally feel better about yourself.

– Decrease the risk of diseases and chronic health conditions like diabetes, cardiovascular disease, breast cancer and osteoporosis. If you already suffer from one of these conditions strength training can reduce the impact these conditions are having on your life

– Improve your sports performance. If you are an athlete, strength training is no longer an option. It is a requirement if you are serious and want to keep up with your competition. Serious athletes train with weights 12 months a year and it shows in their performance.

Most people can get all of the benefits they need by completing three strength training workouts per week. The sessions do not need to last more than 20 minutes. The moral of the story is get more muscle, pump some iron, get ripped or just flat out get stronger. Your body will thank you for it.